this is d most 'awesome' week I've had so far in KMB.
'stress' is not the exact word i wud use though. well, i'm trying very hard not to, actually.
pray for me that i can finish all my work on time ..insyaAllah
Give me strength ! :')
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I want my children to be the best IM!


Pernah dgr x psl hot issue mubaligh cristian spreading their religion to children who were going to tuition classes? diorg memang pandai little children, Muslim children, being innocent that they are, to pull them into christianity.
Sayang sgt2 anak2 kecil nie dgn mudah je terpedaya dgn guru2 diorg. Ajarkan lagu la, bagi hadiah la, bwk g jalan2, u name it. All d tactics, they've done it. And they're nearly succeed. Just imagine, only after 6 years that their operation was detected. 6 tahun bertungkus lumus mengajak org ke jalan yang tak betul, and what have we done as a Muslim ourselves?
Kebatilan yang terancang mampu mengalahkan kebenaran yang tidak terancang
Betul tak dgn statement di atas? hmmm...mcm mana dgn anak2 kita nanti? bakal2 khalifah di bumi? Adakah kita nak benda yang sama berulang n na'uzubillahiminzalik, smpai orang2 kristian berjaya tarik diorg sume?
What can we do?
Its true that it is easier said than done but its not to say dat its impossible :) Kita mantapkanlah anak2 kita dgn AQIDAH yang mantap!
tadi dlm kulsem, sy share la topic nie. MasyaAllah sgt byk respond alhamdulillah :) ada sorg adik nie tanya, "akak, mcm mana nak mantapkn aqidah diorg? xke susah nak bagi budak2 umur 6 7 tahun phm psl islam nie? islam nie berat. nanti diorg x mampu. mcm mana nak bagi diorg phm betul2? bdk2 mna reti nak membezakan antara hak dan batil."
mantap adik tu tanya.
and then, ada sorg sahabat share satu citer. dia kata waktu dia solat kt surau ktm seremban, dia dgr ad sorg ibu ni tanya kt anak dia yang umur dlm lingkungan 3thn. ibu dia tunjuk kt shabat sy nie yg duduk kt tepi. "siapa yang jadikan kakak ni?" si ibu tanya anak lelaki dia yang comel ni. and u noe wat he answered? "Allah." Subhanallah, dat kid only 3 years of age with aqidah yang betul2 kuat. it answered d question above. its never impossible to build one's aqidah, even if theyre just a small child. Once Allah is inside their heart, there is nothing that can takes His place.
'Kanak2 kn ibarat kain putih. Ibu bapa yang mencorakkannya sama ada menjadi Nasrani, Yahudi atau Majusi.' insyaAllah mcm tu la bunyi hadis ni. Aseef bleh bg mafhum je. Why not build individu muslim dari awal lagi? Ishh..kalau la saya ada anak nanti, nak je saya bagi bedtime stories all about sirah nabi :) betapa untungnya anak2 kecil kalau kecik2 lagi dah dihidangkan dengan kisah2 para sahabat, perjuangan Rasulullah.
bila fikir balik, bila bru faham apa tujuan hidup time umur 18 thn, apa la yg dah aku buat selama nie? untung la sape2 yang dari kecil dibesarkan dengan Allah berada sepenuhnya dalam hati. Saya xnafikan mmg dari kecil dulu saya Islam tapi without understanding what Islam really is, it made me feel sad. TO know dat i have lived for nearly 20 years but only to know now what I am living for, i can only wish that my children will get Islam before they become adult.
IM=individu muslim
camne nak jadi IM yang mantap?
Let Allah in their hearts :)
Budak2 sume ad hak untuk nak tau Islam. Its up to us yang dah faham nie, bagitau kt diorg. Share dengan diorg.. InsyaAllah bumi ni akan penuh dengan khalifah2 kecil yang sgt2 hebat yang akan membesar untuk ISlam.
What can we do?
Its true that it is easier said than done but its not to say dat its impossible :) Kita mantapkanlah anak2 kita dgn AQIDAH yang mantap!
tadi dlm kulsem, sy share la topic nie. MasyaAllah sgt byk respond alhamdulillah :) ada sorg adik nie tanya, "akak, mcm mana nak mantapkn aqidah diorg? xke susah nak bagi budak2 umur 6 7 tahun phm psl islam nie? islam nie berat. nanti diorg x mampu. mcm mana nak bagi diorg phm betul2? bdk2 mna reti nak membezakan antara hak dan batil."
mantap adik tu tanya.
and then, ada sorg sahabat share satu citer. dia kata waktu dia solat kt surau ktm seremban, dia dgr ad sorg ibu ni tanya kt anak dia yang umur dlm lingkungan 3thn. ibu dia tunjuk kt shabat sy nie yg duduk kt tepi. "siapa yang jadikan kakak ni?" si ibu tanya anak lelaki dia yang comel ni. and u noe wat he answered? "Allah." Subhanallah, dat kid only 3 years of age with aqidah yang betul2 kuat. it answered d question above. its never impossible to build one's aqidah, even if theyre just a small child. Once Allah is inside their heart, there is nothing that can takes His place.
'Kanak2 kn ibarat kain putih. Ibu bapa yang mencorakkannya sama ada menjadi Nasrani, Yahudi atau Majusi.' insyaAllah mcm tu la bunyi hadis ni. Aseef bleh bg mafhum je. Why not build individu muslim dari awal lagi? Ishh..kalau la saya ada anak nanti, nak je saya bagi bedtime stories all about sirah nabi :) betapa untungnya anak2 kecil kalau kecik2 lagi dah dihidangkan dengan kisah2 para sahabat, perjuangan Rasulullah.
bila fikir balik, bila bru faham apa tujuan hidup time umur 18 thn, apa la yg dah aku buat selama nie? untung la sape2 yang dari kecil dibesarkan dengan Allah berada sepenuhnya dalam hati. Saya xnafikan mmg dari kecil dulu saya Islam tapi without understanding what Islam really is, it made me feel sad. TO know dat i have lived for nearly 20 years but only to know now what I am living for, i can only wish that my children will get Islam before they become adult.
IM=individu muslim
camne nak jadi IM yang mantap?
Let Allah in their hearts :)
Budak2 sume ad hak untuk nak tau Islam. Its up to us yang dah faham nie, bagitau kt diorg. Share dengan diorg.. InsyaAllah bumi ni akan penuh dengan khalifah2 kecil yang sgt2 hebat yang akan membesar untuk ISlam.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Saya sayang awak lillahi taa'la
Atas dasar apa sebenarnya kita berkawan?
Atas dasar apa kita menyayangi sahabat kita?
Sebelum ni, the words "I love You" laju je keluar dari mulut. Memang kita sayang kawan2 kita tapi feel dia tak sama when we love them because of who they are or what they have compared to when we love them truly because of Allah.
Even I don't understand the meaning of loving my friends because of Him before this. What do you feel when you love someone just for the sake of Allah? Is there any difference?
Pernah sekali mata ni terasa hangat semasa sedang berehlah dengan akhawat2, saudara muslimah satu pagi nie. Sejuk je sekeliling tapi mata nie rasa berair. Best sangat bila kita lihat sesuatu tu dari kaca mata Islam. I don't see my friends for what they are anymore, I see them as a gift. A gift given to me that are so precious that I have to take care of it so carefully. Time tu dapat rasa yang saya saaaaaaaangat syg diorg lillahi taala.
It wasn't the same as before. Ini x bermaksud kwn2 sy sebelum nie, saya x ikhlas syg diorg but its never to late to build on top of the old friendship bond a new one that is centred on Allah :)
Ukhwah Fillah..sgt comel :D
Atas dasar apa kita menyayangi sahabat kita?
Sebelum ni, the words "I love You" laju je keluar dari mulut. Memang kita sayang kawan2 kita tapi feel dia tak sama when we love them because of who they are or what they have compared to when we love them truly because of Allah.
Even I don't understand the meaning of loving my friends because of Him before this. What do you feel when you love someone just for the sake of Allah? Is there any difference?
Pernah sekali mata ni terasa hangat semasa sedang berehlah dengan akhawat2, saudara muslimah satu pagi nie. Sejuk je sekeliling tapi mata nie rasa berair. Best sangat bila kita lihat sesuatu tu dari kaca mata Islam. I don't see my friends for what they are anymore, I see them as a gift. A gift given to me that are so precious that I have to take care of it so carefully. Time tu dapat rasa yang saya saaaaaaaangat syg diorg lillahi taala.
It wasn't the same as before. Ini x bermaksud kwn2 sy sebelum nie, saya x ikhlas syg diorg but its never to late to build on top of the old friendship bond a new one that is centred on Allah :)
Ukhwah Fillah..sgt comel :D
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Muwasaffat Tarbiyyah
hmmm hari ni kat kulsem baru dpt psl muwasaffat tarbiyyah betul2..
sblm ni tau tu tau, tapi xpenah tau die mmg ad dlm al-quran. sume Allah dh ckp dh dlm surah Al-Qasas. kalau IB ad IB learner profile yg dicipta oleh manusia tahun 1968, bayangkn Allah dh gariskn kt kita ap ciri2 seorang muslim patut ada sejak dulu lg.
Jazakillah tu sis Najjah for sharing tonite. sgt best dpt tahu ada yang Allah nak sampaikan selain drpd kisah Nabi Musa a.s dlm surah ni. 10 ciri2 yang Allah selitkn dlm ayat 14-28 sgt berguna utk kita insyaAllah.
sblm ni tau tu tau, tapi xpenah tau die mmg ad dlm al-quran. sume Allah dh ckp dh dlm surah Al-Qasas. kalau IB ad IB learner profile yg dicipta oleh manusia tahun 1968, bayangkn Allah dh gariskn kt kita ap ciri2 seorang muslim patut ada sejak dulu lg.
Jazakillah tu sis Najjah for sharing tonite. sgt best dpt tahu ada yang Allah nak sampaikan selain drpd kisah Nabi Musa a.s dlm surah ni. 10 ciri2 yang Allah selitkn dlm ayat 14-28 sgt berguna utk kita insyaAllah.

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Live on,Nabila
EVen with movies we can get inspiration right?
To be able to realise the message behind dis movie, i've at least cried one litre of tears (exaggerate much?) :)
From dat movie, it made me realised we all have our gift given by God. Its up to us whether or not to use it to the fullest. I don't want it to go to waste. Its true that the road will not be a straight with no obstacles on it. But that's life. we are created to go through hardship. That's fact. What I can do now is to keep going.
Not everyone has the chance that God has given us. Going back to a conversation I had with a friend of mine on ym, he said, "Grab it, even Nabila penat atau bosan. Peluang ni datang skali je dalam hidup. Jangan siakan."
Thanks for dat :)
No matter how hard it is to stay up, no matter how boring the stacks full of assignments would b (you name it: EE, ToK, world lit etc) I'll take it.
Live on. I got a lot more to face ahead right :)
Live On! InsyaAllah
To be able to realise the message behind dis movie, i've at least cried one litre of tears (exaggerate much?) :)
From dat movie, it made me realised we all have our gift given by God. Its up to us whether or not to use it to the fullest. I don't want it to go to waste. Its true that the road will not be a straight with no obstacles on it. But that's life. we are created to go through hardship. That's fact. What I can do now is to keep going.
Not everyone has the chance that God has given us. Going back to a conversation I had with a friend of mine on ym, he said, "Grab it, even Nabila penat atau bosan. Peluang ni datang skali je dalam hidup. Jangan siakan."
Thanks for dat :)
No matter how hard it is to stay up, no matter how boring the stacks full of assignments would b (you name it: EE, ToK, world lit etc) I'll take it.
Live on. I got a lot more to face ahead right :)
Live On! InsyaAllah
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