to b honest, i dunno why i'm still the way i am right now.
Allah, take it away from me. i can't bear it any longer. nie mmg limit DI dah, Allah.
tapi , Allah tu lebih mengetahui our limitation. dan bila Dia keep giving and adding your pain, your suffering , He knows u still can push it.
DI dah travel g dublin, galway, situ dan sini. DI jumpa org berbagai ragam.
tapi, dengarlah apa Allah nak gtau. spend that one moment, just u n Him.
apa yang DI paling suke kan, ada sorg sis kata, masa tu lah masa utk minta apa2 saje kt Allah. absolutely anything. u name it.
Allah, i want to ask You for solution.
Subhanallah, DI wishes to have the ability to realise His mercy. DI rasa byk kali sgt Allah sends His mercy tp DI takut ter miss.
Allah, show me.
I am really sorry for not being patient enough with this. DI doakn supaya sgl yg DI lalui akan jadi kifarah dosa.
If its not because of You, i would've stopped.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
terus berlari
why do we associate pain with crying?
Why not Allah make us laugh when we're in pain?
Xdela org tengok. asyik menangis je budak nie.
kan best, kalau sakit gelak je memanjang.
boleh je sebenarnya.
reflect balik sekuat mna kita nie.
Allah xsalah pun. He created us perfectly with all these mixed emotions. up to us which one we wish to potray to people.
Why not Allah make us laugh when we're in pain?
Xdela org tengok. asyik menangis je budak nie.
kan best, kalau sakit gelak je memanjang.
boleh je sebenarnya.
reflect balik sekuat mna kita nie.
Allah xsalah pun. He created us perfectly with all these mixed emotions. up to us which one we wish to potray to people.
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya..."
I came across this ayat everyday. everyday.tapi beriman dgn ayat nie?
subhanallah. May Allah strengthen me. to believe in this and not complaining, masyaallah. susahnya.
why now? why me?
banyak lagi org kt luar sna tu. tapi dalam byk2 org, Allah pilih kita. utk nak merasai ujian tu. nak special lg, its one of a kind. jarang la org lain nak dapat ap yg kita dpt.
Hikmah Allah itu luas. sangat.
depends on our own perspective actually. how we look at this challenge.
it can be a 'gift'. can't it?
of course! sbb Allah dah kata, Dia xakan bg something yang kita xmampu. kemampuan kita, sape yg lagi tahu kalau x Yang Mencipta kita? kita sendiri? yeah right.
Have faith. He knows what He is doing. maybe He's readying me for something much2 bigger.
Cuma DI minta satu je, Allah. bagi DI semangat tu boleh? untuk teruskn.
teruskan bukan sebab lain, tapi sbb Allah. sbb DI nak buat, bukan utk diri sendiri. sebab Allah je.
teruskn berlari.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
am in the process of healing.
rasanya semua org idamkn, inginkn satu hati yang bersih.
bersih dr segala jahiliyah yg dia pernah lalui...
kita rasa kita dah pass that one level of test but deep inside, we r still being tested with the same thing. over and over again. sbnry xlepas pun lg.
la haulawala quwata illah billah.
DI x kuat pun. ade je msa xboleh pon thn. tapi DI cuba. DI cuba sgt2 nak bersihkn hati nie.
that's why I am doing what I'm doing. right now, this is what I have to do. not just for me. but for you also.
trust me. Trust in Him.
am in the process of healing.
rasanya semua org idamkn, inginkn satu hati yang bersih.
bersih dr segala jahiliyah yg dia pernah lalui...
kita rasa kita dah pass that one level of test but deep inside, we r still being tested with the same thing. over and over again. sbnry xlepas pun lg.
la haulawala quwata illah billah.
DI x kuat pun. ade je msa xboleh pon thn. tapi DI cuba. DI cuba sgt2 nak bersihkn hati nie.
that's why I am doing what I'm doing. right now, this is what I have to do. not just for me. but for you also.
trust me. Trust in Him.
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