Allah tengah mengajar DI utk bertindak cepat.
there are times u can't wait to ask everyone so then u can make a decision.
there are times when its all up to u.
DI nie kalau bab buat decision sendiri, x leh blah. perlu consider semua org, semua benda.
so Allah pun test la DI.
in the end, i've booked a flight ticket back to Belfast for tomorrow.
DI lagi terkejut bleh jd spontaneous mcm tu.
tapi betul la, apa2 pun kita akn ikut Allah's plan pon. even though nak dduk kt rumah lg lama, Allah tau apa yg patut kita buat. utk diri kita sendiri.
Subhanallah, banyak nye test (smile)
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
a thought
Moga Allah pelihara DI dr nafsu n dunia yg x kekal nie.
be good at what u're good at.
be the best at what u're best at.
because Allah didn't give us the advantage only for us to waste it.
ada otak yg pandai, use it to choose between what's wrong and right.
ada ilmu yg byk,use it share it with others because it'll do U good more than to the others insyaAllah.
a thought that came across my mind while reading up on ECG (electrocardiogram). i want every beat to be RABB RABB
be good at what u're good at.
be the best at what u're best at.
because Allah didn't give us the advantage only for us to waste it.
ada otak yg pandai, use it to choose between what's wrong and right.
ada ilmu yg byk,
a thought that came across my mind while reading up on ECG (electrocardiogram). i want every beat to be RABB RABB
Friday, February 8, 2013
to go through something in life is different than to accept it.
u can go through so much, yet still feel that you are burdened with it.
but once u accept it, insyaAllah Allah will ease u.
kita nak redha Allah. tapi kita sendiri tak redha dgn apa Allah bagi.
its a two-way thing, man.
i've only just realised it.
to say, "Allah, DI redha" and telan everything, that was pretty hard i can tell u. tapi lepas tu, everything went so smoothly i just couldn't believe it was that easy.
Hikmah Allah. besar.
dlm doa, minta utk look beyond what He has given. look afar.
kalau x boleh pon, redha dulu dgn apa yg Dia bg. insyaAllah He will make it easy for you the next steps to come.
u can go through so much, yet still feel that you are burdened with it.
but once u accept it, insyaAllah Allah will ease u.
kita nak redha Allah. tapi kita sendiri tak redha dgn apa Allah bagi.
its a two-way thing, man.
i've only just realised it.
to say, "Allah, DI redha" and telan everything, that was pretty hard i can tell u. tapi lepas tu, everything went so smoothly i just couldn't believe it was that easy.
Hikmah Allah. besar.
dlm doa, minta utk look beyond what He has given. look afar.
kalau x boleh pon, redha dulu dgn apa yg Dia bg. insyaAllah He will make it easy for you the next steps to come.
Friday, February 1, 2013
love is when
the day i turned 20, it hit me.
i am very much loved. hah perasan.
boleh x nak perasan yg Allah sgt2 syg sy sangat2.
Dia bagi saya maaaaaaaaacammm maaaaaaaaacammmmm
fitrah manusia lah kot nak rasa sayang tu. tapi hebatnya kalo dpt rasa cinta Dia. Mmg cintatahap moksya! subhanallah.
ummi DI penah kata,"rasanya ummi boleh lemas dlm kasih sayang." betapa our love for our ummi sampai mcm la, asyik kena cium je ngn anak2 :)
tapi sayang Allah tu hebat lg. Dia bukan bg benda2 yg kita nak je tapi Dia bagi masyaAllah, ujian. bila kita dh rsa baru nk heal dr broken, He breaks us again. tapi Dia xpenah xbagi glue utk nak mend balik.dan glue tu kasih sayang Dia, pertolongan Dia.
memang.kite mana ad mnx Allah pls break me. kalau sahabat Rasulullah, selagi dia rasa cm senang je sume keja, slgi tu dia mnx Allah spy bg Dia ujian.sbb kesenangan tu ujian yg lagi dasyat dr kesusahan.sbb waktu tu jarak kita ngn Allah jauh sgt.
pelikkan kit.kita lg suka Allah bg kesenangan tu.duit, happiness, family bebagai lagi lah. tapi org2 beriman mnx lg nak dkt ngn Allah. even if it means it would break their heart. sbb diorg sgt2 pecaya pertolongan Allah tu dkt. Dia bg masalah kt kita PLUS solution.
innama al usri yusra
hebatlah org mukmin.bila diberi kesenangan dia bersyukur.bila susah, dia bersabar. untuk nak capai tahap bersabar yg hakiki u will hav to go thru so many levels. bila Allah bagi ujian yg lain2 then u no u've already passed a level.
'apakah kamu mengira bahwa kamu akan masuk syurga padahal belum datang kepadamu cubaan sebagaimana halnya org2 dahulu sebelum kamu?...
zass betul dpt ayat nie. cm kita nie hidup dlm dunia sendiri, a fairytale je actually. mengharapkan happily ever after in the next world tanpa nak berpeluh setitik pun kt jalan nie.
oooo silap besar la kita ye
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