Kagum. utk nak letakkan pen, kertas biar beterabur ats meja, to leave it all just like that. to seek tranquility from the hustle bustle of everyday life. that moment, if only I can watch it all over again.
ad-dhuha. one of my favourites. sbb bila baca surah nie, akan rsa DI xsorg2. akan rsa yg Allah tu dkt sgt. tambah2 dduk kt sini, mmg xselalu lah jumpa kawan yg boleh sembang dlm BM, yg pakai sama mcm kita. Ghuraba'.
so ad je time2 yg rsa, lonely. ad je kawan, tapi xselalu dah dgr 'jom weyh, dhuha. letih ah, nak rehat jap.' mungkin sbb life kt kmb tu sgt2 busy, so selalu je ad time yg sesuai utk berehat. haaa, irony.
sbb manusia nie bila dlm kesibukan, baru appreciate masa2 yg singkat, yg in between lessons. masa lapang di celah2 kesibukan.
kat sini, masa lapang berlambak. tapi sayang, quality tu sket je kalo nk banding dgn masa yg singkat cm dulu tue.
rasa lonely tue. selalu je.
that one day, bila mana perasaan tu membuak2.
digerakkan hati out of a sudden to listen to Nouman. search2 berhenti kat Ad-Dhuha. teringat balik ayat2 yg soothing tu. that convinces me all these while, even when no one was around, Allah ade.
The hardest moment in someone's life mungkin rasa ditinggalkan. rasa sorg2. Rasulullah pun sama. tambah2 lagi bila org kata, the one who he loves the most has abandoned him. totally left him. ye lah, wahyu tiba2 stop. bayangkan org yg kita sayang, ttbe xckp ngn kita, xcontact langsung in whatever ways of communication pun.
DI xboleh ah nak ckp DI penah rasa mcm Rasulullah rasa ...ade perasaan kita yg tinggalkn Allah ade ah T_T nanges.
Ad-Dhuha turun utk nak yakinkan Rasulullah, Allah ada. and tak akan sekali2 tinggalkn dia.
This ayat, Allah says it to convince Rasulullah, I will not leave you. not now, not ever. best kalau boleh fhm bahasa Arab because then, we know why Allah has chosen these specific words. to say convince and to give certainty to Rasulullah and to elude the unsure state that Allah is never going to leave him.
bestnya kalau dpt rasa that certainty too. Allah ada. and He always will. kita, yes we'll die some day. our parents. everyone whom we loves so much. apa yg lg hebat kalau kita dapat everlasting love dr Allah kan?
I don't know whether DI nie manja sgt ke dgn parents, or rindu kt sisters or just need someone to talk to during hard times, but memang ad je perasaan tue kadang2.
tapi best sbb Allah tau DI rasa sgt benda tue at that time, and terus bagi DI ad-dhuha utk baca.