I hope the excitement is not only for travelling to see places and people, which I love.
But I really hope Allah has set for me a journey, that can strengthen me, hati dan fizikal, and everyone who is going to embark on this jaulah.
Alhamdulillah dianugerahkan satu perasaan yang... tak sabar nak pergi. tak sabar nak menghirup udara bumi Islam.
The capital of the Ummah. weyhhhhhh.. the city of the ummah!
tanah yang pernah menerima kedatangan seorang rijal Allah yang semangatnya begitu berkobar2 untuk tawan constantinople. not for power. tapi dia tahu kalau dia berjaya, Islam akan tertegak atas muka bumi nie. Ustaziyatul Alam. Everyone would turn to Islam to seek answers, to solve problems, to be the guide.
tak rasa hairan ke kenapa Islam sekarang tak macam tu? what's this about syria, palestine, angola and the rest of muslims in the world? where is Allah's promise that if we take care of His religion, then success and everything on this Earth will bow down to muslims?
where is that ummah now? where is that khalifah?
"maka alangkah anehnya bahawa kita sebagai orang muslim, tetapi kita berkubang dalam lumpur kehinaan, kita semua orang2 muslim tetapi kita hidup sebagai budak2!''
tipu diri sendiri kalau tak pernah nak menyoalkan benda2 macam ni. why would someone wants to be a muslim in the first place when we are suffering like this?
why do we have to have the strength to hold on to Allah's words and continue to fight for Islam?
but haven't the past already proved that Islam was once at its peak? and how come we are at the lowest point right now?
Where is the best place to look if its not the history?
The hadith in which the Prophet
"You will conquer Constantinople. Its commander is the best and its army (that will conquer it) is the best."
Waktu tu Islam baru nak naik. dan kat tengah2 jazirah arab. how can they do something that is almost impossible??? tapi iman sahabat2 n org Islam waktu tu are incomparable with us. They believed with their heart and soul that if Allah wills it, then it will happen insyaAllah, the most powerful city on earth.
Sultan Muhammad al-fateh, if we looked at how he was being raised, despite having born into the family of sultan and surrounded by wealth, he understood Islam clearly. the conquest he was planning was not merely for power as all the other great empires at that time would do. He understood, that conquering Constantinople mean that Islam would be at its rightful place. Everyone will hear about Islam.
and it would have been impossible if only al-fateh who understood this. His army were the best of people. they were prepared for the conquest as well. semangat jihad berkobar2 dalam diri. They loved Islam so much.
These people, whom Allah blessed, held Islam strong as their faith. One story which really showed their understanding of Islam:
Al-fateh went out to check on his soldiers and people, to see were they really prepared to conquer constantinople. he was dressed as a normal commander and none knew who he really was. he went to one man and said, "I want to buy some cheese, some milk and some honey." the main replied, " i can sell you the cheese but for the milk and honey, please, i have already made enough sales for today, go to my brother in that store over there as i want him to make some sales too."
so, al-fateh went to the next salesman and said that he wanted to buy milk and honey. the man replied, "i can sell you the milk but for the honey alhamdulillah, i have made my sales today. you can go the my brother over there so he can make sales too."
Al-fateh said after that, "subhanallah with these akhlak and this love as muslims and this unity, we are not just going to conquer constantinople, rather we will conquer the world."
Subhanallah! this is just one example. and you would not be surprised why Allah allowed them to conquer constantinople.
going back to where muslims are in the present time and how we are treated, is it fair to say Allah has not kept His promise? Allah gave success to those who are true believers, true meaning that its not just words of faith that comes out of their mouth but iman, their faith, their acts reflects what a true muslim should be. They do not say the syahadah and at the same time have other things as their 'ilah'. they do not take only Allah's words which are only applicable for their situation but chose to disobey others that seem unpractical in their lives.
aren't we like that?
and yet we expect Allah to raise us as muslims as khalifah to this world.
where do we put the Quran ? in our hearts or on the shelves? is it merely there to be read when you feel lost, or even worse in our community, to get rid of ghosts and sihr?
words of Allah but yet what we do is read it and then blow into water , drink it in the hope for success in studies and to get better in health.
pfft.. rely on us eh to take care of the religion.
this goes to me more than anyone else. i want to say that its time to take action and not just wake up. wake up and do nothing is the worst. you know something yet you kept it to yourself. and when Allah questions us what have we done ... na'uzubillahi min zalik.
and that is why i am so looking forward to this jaulah. nak menghirup semangat al-fateh and his people. we, as one ummah need to make a change together. hebatnya muslim bukan pada seorang, as we need each other to strengthen our ties. Allah, keep our hearts together.
may Allah make us among those who loves Him and would do anything to bring Islam to its rightful place. allahu akhbar!