So, the news is out. Date for SPM result is on 11th March. What am I going to do?
Well, for now what we can do (to all SPM 09 candidates), we pray. We pray that we will get what we want for our future.
Tawakkal is a good thing to do. We've done the best we can. We gave it our best shot. We read, we studied like hell, We remember all those little details in text books and revision books so all we hope for is right now to get straight A+!
Remember (this goes especially for me) if you get what you've dreamed and prayed for, never forget to give thanks to Allah and never..NEVER let takbur and riak get in control of you. You've done it, well done but in the future, be better. InsyaAllah rezeki yang Allah akan bagi nanti akan berlipat ganda if we stay as humble as we are.
AND if we don't get what we want, never lose FAITH and HOPE in ALLAH. He always something better in store for us. Setiap perkara yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. Cari hikmah itu and never look on the bad side of everything that has happened.
My story-
I knew I've filled in the application form online.I checked. Twice in a row. But maybe bukan rezeki aku. It was the SPC application form. I didn't get it. Well, I did cry for a bit but then my parents said, maybe Allah didn't give it to me because He has something much better for me. Maybe it'll come after the SPM result. Who knows. Allah does. Biar Dia tentukan apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Kita cuma merancang..
Ya Allah, tolonglah hamba mu ini..Kami mohon untuk kecemerlangan dan kejayaaan dalam SPM09 kami. Kurniakan kami straight A+ InsyaAllah..
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