The girls didn't slept in the village with the boys. We were given a place ( a premise a.k.a a tuition centre) outside the village and woud you believe it, with air-conditioning!
I think I slept at 2 am last night with a room full of UIA students. it was kinda scary because we've never seen each other before the program yet here we were, sleeping in a cramped space together. But it was ok since they were nice and Kak Shifaa made me feel like i'm part of them. Oh and not to forget Sya who was also in the room with me. She'd wanted to sleep next to me but then I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow (although it was only a pile of clothes made into a pillow) that I didn't realised I had taken up a lot of space and there was no room for her... Sorry sya!
At 5 am, we were awaken by someone for qiyamullail. I rushed to the toilet first since there were only two toilets for nearly 30 people and I needed a shower! I couldn't be bothered to wait in the long queue last night so I slept first and shower later :D Honestly, I was only half awake during the qiyamullail prayers that I couldn't remember what I exactly did. Bad girl. This is what happened due to only hours of sleep. By 7 am, we were on our way back to the village for a start of a new day.
Poor caterers, they had to be at the village before 7 am to make breakfast for all of us. I forgot what the menu was but it was delicious yummy yummy. While they were making breakfast, the rest of us were doing aerobics. Qaiyyim, the leader of the activity, introduced the 'xi shua shua' dance. It was soooo cool!
After that, we had our second mahabbah visit. We were supposed to go to our family's house but mine weren't home as they have two house. The other one was across the road near the dock. The father told us he needed to keep an eye on the boat so, they had built another house near it. He is a fisherman and usually he would go to the harbour as early as 6 am and come home arounf 5 pm in the evening. Pak Cik Ali and Mak Cik Minah has 4 children (2 boys and 2 girls) altogether age ranging from 1 to 10 years old. And they have doggies!
During this time as well, we got our things together for 'gotong-royong' around the village! It was a great activity actually and I really enjoyed it. Here are some pictures of us (although there were a lot more posing for the pictures than actually working :D)
When that was over, we got ready for the big event of the day, sports day! The children were all excited like we were. There were many games that had been held during the day such as finding sweets in flour, passing a rubber band using straws and one involving water balloons! I also took part as the comittee group who compete in the race but of course we had to lose (for the sake of children) haha..
We continued the sports event until late in the evening for the children. At night, it was the adults' turn. I couldn't exactly remember what the games were as many of us were very tired from all the running during the sports day and handling the children as well.
But I can tell you I was wide awake during the post mortem that night. It was a hell of night alright. The one night I couldn't forget. Ever.
The head of commitee planned a birthday surpise for all of the December babies! But it was done in a very mean and horrible way! I actually thought I was in trouble! They actually got angry with me and I had to stand in front of everyone! How awful it was! As soon as they said it was for our birthday, I cried :'''( I couldn't take it first. It was mean!!! But then slowly, I regained conciousness of the whole situation and accepted that I've been pranked. It was still horrible though...But the two Secret Recipe cakes saved the day!
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