He made it bearable for me.
I thought i couldn't get through this week. really.
with all the tons of books left untouched beside my bed, stacks of them. This was the one exam i felt that i wasn't ready for it.
But He made me through it.
How is one would b able to read all the chapters in Econs in less than a day? or do maths exercises for each of the syllabus learnt?
Logically, it couldn't be done for someone like me.
I am thankful i wasn't born a genius like some people because it made me appreciate the help Allah always gave me, even though it means i have to cross a road that is long and the pain is almost unbearable.
This weekend, when we tadabbur surah Al Hasyr in our Circle of Love, the ayat struck me:
Dan janganlah kamu seperti orang yang lupa kepada Allah,
Hmm..selalu je kan kita nie, lepas diberi satu nikmat, terus lupa kepada yang memberi kita nikmat tu in the first place. Contoh: suddenly you feel like you're the only one who can answer the paper well while everyone else seems to struggle with it. Or you feel that you've already studied that part and coincidentally, the same exact thing came out in exam and u think u can score higher than others. Lucky you.
Sifat manusia ni pelupa.
On Monday before i stepped out of my room to go to the exam hall, i took a moment to open Allah's love letters. And He gave me exactly what I needed :)
Dan tidak ada satu makhluk bergerak (bernyawa) di bumi melainkan semuanya dijamin Allah rezekinya...
Comel x? Allah nak pujuk DI supaya jangan berputus asa dengan rahmat Dia. iA everything that happens, memang yang tu lah yang terbaik. Allah siap bagi JAMINAN lagi. what more could I have asked for? :)
waaaaa...nak nanges je.Allah nie, tau je apa yg diperlukan utk DI.
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