Thursday, March 15, 2012


cuti ni, sudah mula terasa rugi.
days are filled with endless reading of chemistry, biology etc.
but the heart?
only the mind is full of words running around, trying to make sense of what I've just read but the soul...
the soul...
no wonder why everyone else is missing each other. missing the knocks on the door each morning, calling us for subuh prayers.
the shouts every night after maghrib, calling us all to gather to hear what Allah has planned for us in tazkirah.
endless reminders.

seriously, i duno how much i will be missing it.soon.
with so much that I have learned, now it will be put to the test.
if u want to see how much u're willing to do something for Him, stay in ur room n see what u will do wen there's no one around.

(luv that word)

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