Dulu cam xphm sgt pun kisah satu nie. tp mesti lah ad something big yg Allah nak bgtau since the story is forever embedded in the Quran?
In surah al-naml, Allah tells about Sulaiman r.a who ruled a vast kingdom, became the King of all the creatures on Earth. He asked of HudHud, a small bird who wasn't present when the king called upon every living things to gather in front of him.
Dan (setelah itu) Nabi Sulaiman memeriksa kumpulan burung (yang turut serta dalam tenteranya) lalu berkata: "Mengapa aku tidak melihat burung belatuk? Adakah ia dari mereka yang tidak hadir?"Demi sesungguhnya! Aku akan menyeksanya dengan seksa yang seberat-beratnya, atau aku akan menyembelihnya, kecuali ia membawa kepadaku alasan yang terang nyata (yang membuktikan sebab-sebab ia tidak hadir)".Burung belatuk itu tidak lama ghaibnya selepas itu, lalu datang sambil berkata (kepada Nabi Sulaiman): "Aku dapat mengetahui secara meliputi akan perkara yang engkau tidak cukup mengetahuinya, dan aku datang kepadamu dari negeri Saba' dengan membawa khabar berita yang diyakini kebenarannya.
(an-Naml: 21-22)
These verses sums up pretty much the whole thing. The biggest lesson here is from HudHud itself. how a small bird, with only a pair of small wings could fly thousands of miles between Sulaiman's and Balqis' kingdom. and why did it even bother? because it wanted to find out for itself, ventured out into the world outside its normal zone, to find who else on this Earth did not submit to the One true God. In other words, to try and spread Islam itself, despite of the distance, despite of its size.
OMG. memang la. mana nye air tak keruh kalau stagnant kat satu tempat je? merasakan diri dah cukup baik. merasakan diri dah buat segalanya yang termampu utk menjadi baik.
silap besar la. buat dakwah bukan utk diri sendiri.
yes, utk membina diri and to be better. but how can all submit their selves to Allah if there is no one to tell them to??? how did we became like we are now in the first place if we can really claim that we have become all that Allah wanted us to be?
Stagnant, busuk. but bila mengalir, subhanallah, org lain pun turut merasa nikmatnya air yg jernih tu. sama jugak mcm diri. kalau dah rasa diri dah 'cukup', there's trouble ahead. because we can never claim we have enough knowledge, let alone enough of being good.
bila rasa diri cm xbergerak, u need HudHud's inner push. its dzatiyah (heh). HudHud didn't wait to be ordered around by Sulaiman r.a. sebab hidup dia bukan berpaksikan pd the king, but the Ruler of the World. push, bila mana dah realise u need it to be able to move forward. dan push tu , always have to pray for it to be given to you. because u never want to be left behind rite. dalam hidup nak no. 1 sentiasa, dalam dakwah n tarbiyah, always need to be ahead. because there are people, out there, yg x dpt lagi nak merasai nikmatnya Islam tu. nikmatnya bila everything we do, we do it because of Allah. so sume benda x jadi sia2. lain dgn berubah sbb org. bila org tue dah xbermakna dlm hidup or xde, the urge itself to become a 'somebody' also withers away like dust.
when its all about Allah, u don't rest until u reach Him at the end. nama pun da'ie?
i think i accidentally found the answer to my question which i;ve been looking for, for a long time now.
eh. mana ad accidental. all is Allah's doing.
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