Ihsan. Dah lama tak buat ye, DI?
Banyaknya hak orang2 yang tak tertunai lagi. Kalau betul2 ihsan, tak akan ketepikan pun hak2 diorang. Sebab ihsan. Sebab buat memang untuk Allah.
I think i'm at a point where i have become too indulged in my own world, trying to correct what is outside of me, reaching for people that are far away but inside, i am afraid that i have become...empty.
For what am i doing what i am currently doing? Is it because everyone is doing it? I am scared that i am doing all this ,for nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just to fill that feeling of do ing something right but actually, i am doing it for nothing.
I have so many things that i have to do, i can barely breathe. Trying to do everything, on my own. Taking care of myself, ignoring others. Trying to love, but pushing myself away from being loved. Being cared for. Because i cannot handle it. I just.dont.know.why.
I am trying to be strong. But it became wrong when i do it because of me. I cannot cry anymore, not as much as i used to.
What i say, i don't mean. What i read, i don't feel.
Deep down, just deep down, i am not as strong .
Because i can't run from the fact that i need You.
I am just a servant. Hamba yang masih mencari kekuatan itu, Allah.
I am just a servant. Hamba yang masih mencari kekuatan itu, Allah.
I think i just need to hold on. A little bit longer. Sebab ihsan. Sebab Allah tgk and Allah jaga.
Allah ada. Untuk jaga.
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