Let me give you an example..
THIS-to study overseas
THAT-nak cari pengalaman and at the same time, meet some guy
Kalau lah niat kita macam tu, agak2 dapat tak apa yang kita impikan? Apa yang kita minta?
Berbanding dengan ini:
THIS-to study overseas
THAT-nak cari pengalaman but most IMPORTANTLY, becoming a successful doctor
(remind you again, this is an EXAMPLE )
I think, my objective in life is to be someone who is able to use her skills and her knowledge to help people but there are other objectives too. and sometimes, it all get mixed up.
Now I realised why some of my dreams aren't turning reality because of my REAL intention.Sometimes, I don't know what I am thinking of. What I really want and why.
I have to be clear on why I want this or that. Maybe Allah will give it to me, and maybe not. but it all comes down to niat. If it is for good, then InsyaAllah I'm on my way of achieving my goals.
Ya Allah, janganlah bagi hati ini terpesong..
amalkan lah doa ni
ReplyDelete'ya muqallibal qulub, tsabbit qalbi 'aladdinik wato'atik'
"wahai yg membolak-balikkan hati, luruskanlah hatiku atas agamamu dan taat kepadamu"
insyaAllah will do
wah2 yus..asik comment blog ni jek..
weyh! aku un slalu amal doa tu..hehe