Monday, April 19, 2010

Why choose doctor?

Dah x larat dgr banyak giler org nk amik medic nie kan to become a doctor.
When I was doing my research for MARA interview, I came across a few things about being a doctor.
Most people chose to become one because they want to help people.that's the basic.everyone needs to have a passion to lend a hand for those in needs. However, one person wrote that mana ade org yg nak jadi doctor just because of that. You are lying if you said u want to become one just for the sake of helping others. You're either in it for the money or you want the respect and feeling prestigious when people calls you "doctor".
For me, someone who really wants to help, they don't give a damn about the name. Why can't some people accept that there are a good person out there whose life is dedicated in helping others? Just saving a person's life even once a year can truly help YOU to become a better person. That feeling of satisfaction you'd get when a patient thanked you for all the hard work you have done in order to save them, that one really counts. and that is what I'm after.
If you're in it for the money, then don't go into medicine just for the sake of wanting to be a rich person.
You know why I chose this field of study? Because I believe this is the way I can really contribute to others, my country, my religion. I may face obstacles along the way, but I've been through many challenges in my life and so far I have survived. When I say I can, I can.
Kalau kita confident saje pun susah jgk. I read that to be a doctor, you cannot have sifat2 mazmumah especially riak. Buang lah jauh2 benda tu. Tak berbaloi pun.I think I learned that the hard way. Over confident won't get you anywhere. kalau kita tak dapat benda yg kita rsa we should have, last sekali kecewa bukan main, have faith in Allah. His doings are the best for us.

ps: tulis nie bukan sbb geram.nk convince diri sendiri :D


  1. yup.
    its true,
    being a doctor is all about ourself.
    willing to help others, no doubt.
    even if we wanna be a doctor just because of the money,
    our sincerity will shine first before that money matter.
    ignore others as u r the one who create ur own path.

  2. haha, mesti geram bace post2 aku pasal taknak jd doctor nihh
