Monday, January 31, 2011

A gift

Yesterday I received a gift. From a classmate who happens to be a very good friend to me, literally gave her shoulder for me to cry on.

Tak banyak kawan yang akan tegur kita kalau kita buat salah, betul tak? She is one of those many few friends in the world. Even I couldn't say I am one of those because I always get scared when I have to tell my friend what they are doing is wrong. I just don't know how to say it.

This friend of mine gave me something no one has ever given me. Something that could make me change for the better.
And this is her note that came with the gift:

Hello my dear, Nabila

Please accept this as a present from your sahabat...

Tidak akan sempurna iman seseorang itu sehingga dia mencintai sahabatnya lebih daripada dia mencintai dirinya sendiri.
Hopefully, I can see you as a new mirror for the other friends

Sincerely. with lots of Love

This is the kind of friend I want to hold on to...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Save them Ya Allah

dikala kita sedang membuka fb, menonton tv ketahuilah bahwa ada saudara2 seislam kita di bumi Mesir yang sedang bergelut untuk hidup. Disebabkan rusuhan yang berlaku, penduduk di Mesir sekarang dikenakan perintah berkurung.

Bagi kita yang selamat di sini, marilah kita bersama-sama pray for their safety. And to those 11,000 Malaysian students, pray for save landing from Eygpt. May they all be in the hands of Allah, safe and sound.

Ya Allah, Kau bantulah saudara-saudara kami.

Ingatlah ketika kamu memohon pertolongan kepada Tuhanmu lalu diperkenankan-Nya bagimu, "sungguh aku akan mendatangkan bala bantuan kepada-mu dengan seribu malaikat yang datang berturut-turut" (8:9)