Thursday, May 30, 2013

saksi. dah buatkah?

banyak cakap xjadi.
dok potpet2 tapi when the real problem comes, lari. sebab xtau nak handle.
boleh la kalau sekadar dduk dlm usrah then cakap2 psl tue psl nie, nmpak mcm alim tapi hakikatnya xreti bila satu gedabak ujian turun for u to prove what u've just said in the usrah.
did u really mean what u say?

sedap je word by word keluar.
tapi bila ad kawan yg mslh die mslh besar, mslh umat,
we can even spend at least 5 mins to really listen. all that we do is judge from afar.

who are we to say we're going to jannah just by talking about good stuffs?
who are we to say that we are above everyone else yg xberpakaian sempurna, ataupun xboleh nak tinggalkn jahiliyah yg pada kita rsa cm 'weh, impossible giler utk AKU nak buat benda tu. ap laaaa dia pikir'

stop jap.
yes, mungkin kita rasa kita lg baik dr dia.
tapi dah ad depan mata, kita buat ap?
ada nak g tolong dia?
mungkin dia tak tau. ye, mungkin.
its all because of our expectation. kita rasa je dia buat sbb syok sendiri, don't give a care about those around him/her.
bersyukur la sbb Allah bg kita kesedaran. pastu, nak buat ap dgn org yg still tak bangun lagi, atau xnak bgn dr syok2 dunia yg xde pape?
yes, Allah sedarkan kita, woke us up so that WE would wake them up.

supaya kita menjadi saksi atas segenap manusia.

mode: muhasabah diri yg sgt2lah xada ap2..

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

at loss

I swear by the time
Most surely man is in loss

When Allah swears by something, its sure to be important. and TIME, subhanallah, how we are wasting so much of it.

I am. and I regret it.

regret it so much it made me cried by how much the time is left. to do good.
Time flies. it waits for no one.
especially those who are in loss.

sudah2 lah tue kita dengan dunia DI oii
syurga tu lg best. Allah lg best

Allah lagi best