Tuesday, July 31, 2012

you. yes, you.

sometimes we forget. how much pain we had to endure during this journey of a lifetime. we forget the tears that we shed during our darkest hour.
because He had replaced all of that with something much more...argh, can't find the right word.
something that makes all of the craziest moments fades away. all that's left is nothing but a faded memory.

in life, people come and go. but those who managed to take away your anger, pain, sadness, they're one of the greatest gift.

thank you for being you.
thank You for giving me the chance to have a minute, an hour, days, years to know these great people.

doesn't makes sense right?
haha. well, u can read between the lines if you're one of them :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

a period of silence

Nak share, insyaAllah :)

a period of silence. when a distance between two or more people has grown. when no words are exchanged, let alone thoughts. emotionally and physically. we felt something is missing, that the piece of a loose string is becoming thinner and thinner.
We need words of comfort. We seek but couldn't find it.

Bila Rasulullah s.a.w dapat wahyu yang first skali, he was scared. First time jumpa malaikat Jibrail. sampaikan bila baginda pulang ke rumah, Rasulullah saw minta diselimutkan oleh Khadijah. "selimutkanlah daku," Rasulullah kata.
But at the same time, he fell in love with Allah. He found what he has been searching for, after all those times alone which he had spent in the cave. Allah had chosen him for a reason. For what he has been, and for what he will become.
Tapi, selepas tu Allah tangguhkn wahyu untuk nabi yang sangat kita cintai nie. Kenapa ye? Allah buat mcm tu sebab nak buang perasaan takut dalam hati Rasulullah saw dan untuk dia rasa rindunya dekat Allah. nak terima something special dari Allah. ye la, bila kita xdapat khabar berita dari orang yang kita syg, family and akhawat2 kita, mesti kita tertanya2 kenapalah dia xcontact ak lama sangat dah nie...
mcm tu jugak Rasulullah saw. Imagine, 6 to 9 months without any words from Him. Tapi Allah tu Maha Bijaksana. Dengan penantian yang lama ni, Rasulullah saw dah jadi semakin yakin bahawa dia rasul Allah. no doubt anymore. cuma waktu tu, Rasulullah rasa cam Allah dah tak sayang kat dia. "did I do something wrong?"
Kalau kita, mungkin dalam situasi macam nie kita point finger to the other person. "Kenapa lah dia ni xcall ak. Dah xigt kat orang la tu.Busy la sgt." Itu la, ini lah. Dia xtelefon, dia yang bersalah.
Why didn't we call that person first? Mungkin kita yang xigt kt dia in the first place.
Rasulullah waktu tu sedih sangat. tapi dia xsalahkan Allah. Rasulullah salahkn diri sendiri, takut kalau dalam tempoh tu dia ada buat benda yang Allah tak suka. DI tak boleh nak bayangkn macam mana Rasulullah cope at that time :(

Jom kita reflect.
berapa lama kita xpegang quran? mungkin dalam bulan Ramadhan yang penuh dgn barakah nie kita ambil masa utk try baca at least a page or two after solat, insyaAllah.
tapi before this? after this?
rasa x nakkkk sangat baca quran? rindu dkt love letter Allah?
Alhamdulillah sgt2 kalau Allah bagi perasaan tu :)
take time not only to read, but to understand. setiap benda yang Allah kasi kita baca, mungkin Allah nak bagi solution kt kita.

kita xperlu pun melalui satu tempoh masa yang Allah xde dgn kita mcm Rasulullah had experienced. Kita, quran dah ada depan mata. tunggu utk diselak je helaian2 die :)

may we not take His words for granted, insyaAllah :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


With everything that is happening to our brothers and sisters worldwide, i think its time to go back to the basic.

Tak tau la kenapa tp dua tiga hari DI asyik dapat ayat psl sebaik2 penolong and sbaik2 pelindung utk kita.
Maybe Allah nak ingatkn seteruk mana the situation we're all in, Allah ada.

We all heard about Save Maryam in Indonesia, the brutal killings in Syria, Palestine, Burma to name a few.
Jom kita sama2 manfaatkan ramadhan nie, kita guna senjata org mukmin, DU'A.

Include them in our prayers. Let Allah sends His army to help them insyaAllah.
pray that they are strengthened everytime they have to fight for Islam.

our hearts go to all of them, our brothers n sisters.

Tetapi hanya Allahlah pelindungmu, dan Dia penolong yang terbaik

Sunday, July 22, 2012

being independent

When we were young, we couldn't wait to grow up. But now when I'm nearly 20, all I could think about is how scary the whole world seems to be.
We can't hold on to our loved ones forever.
We don't know how long we have left in this world.
Dunia ibarat satu persinggahan, n when we leave this all behind, we would be all on our own.
tapi xsempat nak smpai ke situ lagi, DI dah rsa takut. bukan takut apa, just that it seems i'm going to go a journey independently.
Dah sampai satu tahap, kena sorang2. no one physically by my side.
camne tu?

maybe because of the way I've been brought up, the way I've been treated, I'm used to have people to be there beside me. Letak je la kat mana2 pon, kalau ada phone, mesti akan call parents at least once a day. so much for being the eldest ,eh? kt mrsm, kt kmb, wajib cakap ngn parents sekali sehari. xpon msg.

my dad, who is dear to my heart would come and fetch me even though its a 4 hours drive from my home to taiping. my ummi, an angel, she told me to get the next flight back to Kedah when I whined I wanna go home a week before the IB exam.

sahabat2? i'm sorry they had to put up with me nearly 24/7. Ada sorg sahabat kata, "eeee, ko bleh tak jgn jln dekat2 ngn ak sgt? stgi tercmpk msuk dlm longkang kot." Yep, my habit. kalau jalan tu, rsa cm magnet nk melekat kt org. mau org tak menyampah. sesetengah org ok, but not everyone.
for those who knew me well, they let me hold their hands. haha. coz they now i'm a kid at heart.

but one day, ada sorg yg sgt2 DI kasihi fillah cakap: "Bella, awak kena jadi matang."
for some reason, it just struck me, hard. Orang lain tau je perangai DI mcm mana but I know that it's true, that I have to change.

There will come a time where I have no one beside me except Him, so I might as well get used to it. I don't want people to see me as someone who can't take care of herself, someone who would cry any second when something goes wrong.
Nak kata I'm strong, no. but I'm trying to be. Believe me. Changing from one phase of my life to another, that's hard.

But its going to be fine.
"...dan berpegang teguhlah kepada Allah. Dialah pelindungmu; Dia sebaik-baik pelindung dan sebaik-baik penolong" (22:78)

I have the best protector and the best helper I could ever ask for. Being independent doesn't mean being alone. It's just that I can stand on my own with Him looking out for me. 

this feeling!

Letting go was never easy.
but if it means you can grab the ultimate love, who wouldn't want it right?

Lama dah DI nak share "I Love You So" by Maher Zain but everytime I thought of uploading it, i just can't do it. as much as i love the song, the words, how i feel about it, i couldn't. simply because i'm not there yet. tahap di mana DI boleh kata, "yes, i feel what u feel" sbb ada benda yg tak settle lagi dalam diri.

Macam mana la agknya org yg feel the presence of Allah in everything he or she does? Ihsan, for short. kadang2 kita lupa Allah tgk, kadang2 kita tak peduli pun Allah.

I wish that everyone could see, that your love has set me free. set me free and make me strong

I do wish it. Alhamdulillah, benda yang DI rasa impossible sebelum nie, is actually achievable. because we're doing it for Allah.
our 24 hours as a muslim, have we given it fully to Allah?

tadi, Alhamdulillah Dia bg chance utk sy berkumpul dgn hati2 yang sama2 nk ingat Allah, dduk di bwh sayap2 malaikat insyaAllah. EVeryone needs to be reminded once in a while. termasuklah DI yang selalu je tersimpang nie. nak katanya, bestttttttt sgt perasaan bila semua org sharing2 pasal the One we all love. and we do love Him with all our hearts. kalau sayang manusia, kita xnk kongsi dia dgn sape2 pon. tapi hebatnya berkasih sayang dengan Allah is that we want to pull everyone towards Him so we can feel His presence with us every second of the day. Kita tak kisah, lagi ramai orang cari Dia, lagi la best.

ada haritu, saya kena jawab satu soalan: saya akan gembira apabila ....(dot dot dot)
n i answered: apabila saya tau saya nie disayangi.
haha..over much?
don't think so. semua org nak rasa disayangi Allah tu. and we are, sis! each and every one of us :D xigt masa Dia tolong kita jawab soalan dlm exam? tak igt ke masa Dia permudahkan jalan kita bila otak nie dah x jumpa solution? masa kita sedih, xboleh bagitau sape2 pon sbb sume org tgh sedih, sape yg kita jumpa?
Allah kan :D

Bestnye bila rasa we are being watched over. Ada yang pimpin kita when everywhere around us is dark. senang cerita, the light of my life :)

Rasa la, Allah tu sangat2 teramat sayang kt kita. kalau manusia boleh sayang sesama sendiri, imagine Dia yang bagi rasa tu, wujudkn rasa sayang tu, yg sayang kita. subhanallah! boleh menangis macam nie...

Jom sama2 kita cari Allah.
Bila lagi kan?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

diri ini

sudah penat dengan tidak berbuat apa2. haritu seorg akhawat yg dikasihi fillah called, out of a sudden. DI kata la, "lamany rasa x berkerja keras utk Dia. dduk saje je kt rumah." n she replied, "xboleh buat kt rumah, tp still ad internet kn? heee.."n i got her point. there is absolutely no excuses whatsoever. bukan nyer satu cara je.banyak lagi we can do to get the message across, to let everyone know of Him.

fikir2 balik, dkt diri sendiri pon x fully brainwash lagi. masih ade karat2 tu. memang pon its a never-ending work but yeah, its totally worth it :)
sbb dia bukan short-term punya keja, n hasil yg nak dapat at d end pon bukan benda yg xbagus. jannah tu :)))

betol la. everything starts from within. buat la segala benda yg termampu. even when people don't like u anymore, even when ppl starts to drift away frm u, bring that heart of urs (of mine) closer to Allah. lagi org xsuke, lagi tu la kita suka nk dekat ngn Allah. sbb manusia tu can come and go, but we always have Allah with us.

I need Him more than ever now!! :'(
relationship ap yg paling penting lg melainkn dgn Dia?
Is He in our hearts?
better be
everything seems unimportant right now. sbb nak kejar Dia balik. dah rsa jarak tu semakin menjauh