Sunday, July 22, 2012

this feeling!

Letting go was never easy.
but if it means you can grab the ultimate love, who wouldn't want it right?

Lama dah DI nak share "I Love You So" by Maher Zain but everytime I thought of uploading it, i just can't do it. as much as i love the song, the words, how i feel about it, i couldn't. simply because i'm not there yet. tahap di mana DI boleh kata, "yes, i feel what u feel" sbb ada benda yg tak settle lagi dalam diri.

Macam mana la agknya org yg feel the presence of Allah in everything he or she does? Ihsan, for short. kadang2 kita lupa Allah tgk, kadang2 kita tak peduli pun Allah.

I wish that everyone could see, that your love has set me free. set me free and make me strong

I do wish it. Alhamdulillah, benda yang DI rasa impossible sebelum nie, is actually achievable. because we're doing it for Allah.
our 24 hours as a muslim, have we given it fully to Allah?

tadi, Alhamdulillah Dia bg chance utk sy berkumpul dgn hati2 yang sama2 nk ingat Allah, dduk di bwh sayap2 malaikat insyaAllah. EVeryone needs to be reminded once in a while. termasuklah DI yang selalu je tersimpang nie. nak katanya, bestttttttt sgt perasaan bila semua org sharing2 pasal the One we all love. and we do love Him with all our hearts. kalau sayang manusia, kita xnk kongsi dia dgn sape2 pon. tapi hebatnya berkasih sayang dengan Allah is that we want to pull everyone towards Him so we can feel His presence with us every second of the day. Kita tak kisah, lagi ramai orang cari Dia, lagi la best.

ada haritu, saya kena jawab satu soalan: saya akan gembira apabila ....(dot dot dot)
n i answered: apabila saya tau saya nie disayangi.
haha..over much?
don't think so. semua org nak rasa disayangi Allah tu. and we are, sis! each and every one of us :D xigt masa Dia tolong kita jawab soalan dlm exam? tak igt ke masa Dia permudahkan jalan kita bila otak nie dah x jumpa solution? masa kita sedih, xboleh bagitau sape2 pon sbb sume org tgh sedih, sape yg kita jumpa?
Allah kan :D

Bestnye bila rasa we are being watched over. Ada yang pimpin kita when everywhere around us is dark. senang cerita, the light of my life :)

Rasa la, Allah tu sangat2 teramat sayang kt kita. kalau manusia boleh sayang sesama sendiri, imagine Dia yang bagi rasa tu, wujudkn rasa sayang tu, yg sayang kita. subhanallah! boleh menangis macam nie...

Jom sama2 kita cari Allah.
Bila lagi kan?

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