Tuesday, November 22, 2011


*melepaskan keluhan kecil dgn senyuman* (two in one, yeah!)

He made it bearable for me.
I thought i couldn't get through this week. really.
with all the tons of books left untouched beside my bed, stacks of them. This was the one exam i felt that i wasn't ready for it.

But He made me through it.
How is one would b able to read all the chapters in Econs in less than a day? or do maths exercises for each of the syllabus learnt?
Logically, it couldn't be done for someone like me.
I am thankful i wasn't born a genius like some people because it made me appreciate the help Allah always gave me, even though it means i have to cross a road that is long and the pain is almost unbearable.

This weekend, when we tadabbur surah Al Hasyr in our Circle of Love, the ayat struck me:

Dan janganlah kamu seperti orang yang lupa kepada Allah

Hmm..selalu je kan kita nie, lepas diberi satu nikmat, terus lupa kepada yang memberi kita nikmat tu in the first place. Contoh: suddenly you feel like you're the only one who can answer the paper well while everyone else seems to struggle with it. Or you feel that you've already studied that part and coincidentally, the same exact thing came out in exam and u think u can score higher than others. Lucky you.

Sifat manusia ni pelupa.

On Monday before i stepped out of my room to go to the exam hall, i took a moment to open Allah's love letters. And He gave me exactly what I needed :)

 Dan tidak ada satu makhluk bergerak (bernyawa) di bumi melainkan semuanya dijamin Allah rezekinya...
Comel x? Allah nak pujuk DI supaya jangan berputus asa dengan rahmat Dia. iA everything that happens, memang yang tu lah yang terbaik. Allah siap bagi JAMINAN lagi. what more could I have asked for? :)

waaaaa...nak nanges je.Allah nie, tau je apa yg diperlukan utk DI.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lets tick our muwasafat tarbiyyah!

Alhamdulillah :)
dah sihat sikit tubuh badan (dis is called 'bajeting'. konon la being sporty)
Dalam kekalutan IB yang semakin meng-dissolvekn diri dalam pelbagai jenis subject, Allah memberi sahabat-sahabatyang mengajak DI utk keluar dan menikmati nikmat Allah buat seketika.

Yep, while everyone is reading their books, we sneaked out to the field n played basketball ngahaha.

Even though it's only for 1 hour, but that 1 hour has strengthen our bond. and what makes it more special is that Allah is our base of love.
Mathurat yang iA dibaca tiap2 petang mengingatkn DI betapa beruntungnya dianugerahkan dengan rakan2 seperjuangan yang turut melabuhkn cinta mereka kpd Allah.
Sweet kan?

They are, and I thank Allah for this.
IA akan ada satu post sepesial just for them :)
rite now, Allah sdg memanggil utk pegi kulsem hihi

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


can sparks feelings, makes u feel good, sad, happy etc.
but right now, i'm talking abt words that makes u feel "I-can-do-it!", dat sort of feeling.

there was a one night wen a friend-of-mine called me all of a sudden. dah lama sgt  x ckp  ngn die.tup tup call. she said to give her a boost in study. "just say anything. anything so that i can get back up."
i just smiled.
i used to be like that.
it took me a long time to realise that they were just words. n nothing more.
its not the words that give u strength.
but its who gives u the strength to say those words :)

we often rely on our parents, if not our friends, to say, "u go girl! there a bright future ahead of u!"
i called my parents not too long ago, saying that i'm slow at studying. everyone seems to pass by so quickly while i'm still crawling behind them, desperate to be at the front.
my usual words: abah/umi...tell me that i can do this. sikit je lagi nih (kadang2 dgn nada memaksa hehe)
and my beloved dad's response was that he broke into a song. yes, a song:
Jika Kau Fikir Kau Boleh! Kau yakin bla3... (dunno the song very well)
seingat DI, ni lagu dlm iklan milo dulu2 kan? (ntah la)

the point is, their words i admit are very helpful n sumtimes can give us the strength to endure everything that comes in our way but...to what extent?
sampai bila, kan?
wen u shud be searching for Him to help u.
Because He can give u what u need. it may not be what u want, but its the best for U :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sejauh manakah muslimah dlm DI?

Maybe Allah nak tegur dgn cara yang halus...
Td baru bukak ILuvIslam. n then terpandang

Hukum 'Chatting', Facebook Chat Dengan Bukan Mahram

Terkedu seketika...

Komen dr ustazah ni lagi membuatkan saya tertusuk di qalbu:

Agak menyedihkan juga dengan kenyataan saudari, bahawa dalam suasana nyata saudari amat menjaga batas pergaulan dengan lelaki bukan mahram, namun di alam siber saudari bebas berbual mesra tanpa batasan syara'. Saya percaya ramai remaja muslimah yang terjebak ke dalam situasi yang syubhah ini.

terpoint dkt diri sendiri
*dush dush*

Realitinya, kita selalu membuat pelbagai alasan untuk membenarkan yang batil. 
termasuklah DI yang penuh dgn kekhilafan diri. 
Moga dikuatkan hati utk melawan nafsu

sekuat mana pun hati ini berkata 'nakkkkk!' sekuat itu jugalah kita harus tolak perasaan itu jauh2...

Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang yang menjadikan dirinya - yang sedia bersih - bertambah-tambah bersih (dengan iman dan amal kebajikan),Dan sesungguhnya hampalah orang yang menjadikan dirinya - yang sedia bersih - itu susut dan terbenam kebersihannya (dengan sebab kekotoran maksiat).

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Eh..tak yakin pulak?

Heyshh..DI kata DI seorg da'ie...x yakin pulak ke dgn janji2 Allah yang sudah PASTI?
Sikit je masa yang kena contribute utk Islam, and bukannya utk sape2 un. untuk diri sendiri jugak. tu pun hati berbolak balik: "nak ke xnak?"
sampai bila xwat kalo mcm tu.

Yakinlah apa yang DI sedang buat is right. I'm in the right path InsyaAllah!
But it is never easy. and that's a fact.
Sesungguhnya manusia diciptakan dalam keadaan susah payah.
Kan sia2 je kalo dok susah2, tp bukan kerana Allah?

Dear Niwa, kita di jalan yang betul! (hehe...)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Erti Eidul Adha bagi saya

Allah has given me d chance to celebrate this year's eidul adha with my beloved family. 
I dunno why but only dis year, eidul adha meant something for me.
its sad actually to think of all of the past eid that has gone by, just like that. only now when I see Baitullah on tv, I don't just see people going round in circles but I felt like I want to be one of them, looking up at Kaabah. 
I'm waiting for the call.
Last night, there was a drama on TV3. Panggilan Baitullah if I'm not mistaken. Thank God it wasn't like any typical Malay movies but it was one with ibrah. at least, i did learn something from it.
In this world, for some people, Allah gave them everything. absolutely everything everyone else would only dream of having. Memang diorg sedekahkan pd jalan Allah, u name it: bagi duit dkt org miskin, bagi makan kat anak2 yatim, etc. Tapi, kalau x dihadirkan dengan rasa ikhlas, apa erti semua itu? Tambah2 lagi bila kita expect something in return. 
Bila seorang hamba Allah ni sanggup korbankan apa yang dia ada untuk orang lain, bukankah itu korban? I think that's the true meaning of korban. bila mana kita bagi dkt orang yang lebih memerlukan, without having to announce to the rest of the world about the good deeds that u did, that's korban.
daging2 yang kita buat korban tu, bukan yang itu yang sampai pd Allah. It's d reason why we did it that matters. because of Him. 
pagi tadi dgr IKIM fm, dj tu ckp kalau kumpul setiap hari seringgit for a whole year, dah boleh wat korban :)  DI nak jugak rasa wat korban tu. Godwills.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Jahiliyah diri

how many times must I go through it?
I don't want this anymore. I don't want to go backwards.
susahnya nak buang jahiliyah dalam diri. susah sangat :'(
i'm scared if Allah doesn't want to hear my prayer anymore.
I don't have anything else that I can hold on to besides Allah. Only He understands me the most whenever I needed something. He didn't give me what I want. He always gives me what I need.
Don't let this jahiliyah get in my way of becoming closer to Him.
I hate IT. I don't want it anymore. it's making d light in my heart fading away...

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman lalu kafir, kemudian beriman (lagi), lalu bertambah kekafirannya, maka Allah tidak akan mengampuni mereka, dan tidak (pula) menunjukkan mereka jalan yang lurus" (4:137)

Hati ini sangat sedih dan pilu bila diuji sebegini. Iman DI sedang goyah dan sangat rapuh. DI xnak jadi mcm nie. :'( sedihnya.
kalau Allah tak ampunkan...na'uzubillahiminzalik.
Kalau bukan kerana Allah DI hidup, i don't know what else i'm doing.
tapi tu lah, manusia ini cepat lalai. alpa dengan suka-ria di dunia sampaikan kadang2 kejahilan dan nafsu mengaburi ingatan kepada Pemilik diri ini.

macam mana nak bertahan di atas dunia yang penuh dengan dugaan yang sangat banyak ini? yang menjauhkan diri dari Rabb-nya...

bertahan wahai diri.
Sabarlah. sesungguhnya Allah amat menyayangi hamba-Nya yang kuat

Aku sangat lemah skrg ini, ya Allah. jangan bagi aku hanyut jauh dari-Mu ya Allah. dat's all i'm asking right now :'(

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Curry puff

A good deed goes a long way :)

One of my friend was waiting for me to buy food from the koop stall. suddenly, she saw a teacher coming from the car park carrying heavy bags on her left and right hands. out of her kindness, she offered to help the teacher.
while the teacher went to scan her card at the office, we took her loads (well, only my friend was carrying it. i tagged along behind her :D) upstairs to the staff room. without expecting anything and only thinking of how many hmwrks left to be done, my friend n I walked to our classroom.
out of the blue, someone shouted, "girl! girl!" (nice-i never had anyone called me 'girl' before.haha. it sounded funny somehow)
it turned out d teacher called my friend for something. "i have sumthing to give u."
fuyoo..only helped with bags and there's a return for it?

she said she didnt hav anything fancy to give but only curry puff which she cooked only that morning at home. hmmm...yummy :) it been a long time since i've had homemade curry puffs :)))

lesson learnt: there's always a reward gained when u offer a simple help to someone.

don't ever stop from lending a hand to someone.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

kepelikan melanda

ada banyak benda nak buat susah. xada benda nak buat pon susah.
mcm ni la pelajar IB yang apabila dilanda musim yang tiada kerja utk dibuat, maka tersangatlah pelik.
so, last week has gone by with TOK, oral BI and today I've done my oral BM.

*mengesat peluh di dahi*
boleh x?
xde la best sangat pon sebab bila selesainya satu keje dunia, yang lain datang bertimbun-timbun.
nama pon dunia kan.mana penah stop selagi berpijaknya kaki kita kt bumi ni.

kalo nak tido sebelum pkul 12 tanpa ada niat untuk nak bgn balik after dat, dats weird.
seeing my fellow classmates on d verge of tears in getting through dis week, all i can do is to support them from behind and shout, "you guys can do it, iA!"

it is so true that Allah will not burden you with something you couldn't handle. all u need is a little push. PLUS,
when there is difficulty, there's always relief.

selepas ni, DI ini akan meredah lautan homework and d comin sem III exam with all the strength that has been injected into me by Allah. hihi

kata saya boleh!