Friday, February 8, 2013


to go through something in life is different than to accept it.
u can go through so much, yet still feel that you are burdened with it.
but once u accept it, insyaAllah Allah will ease u.

kita nak redha Allah. tapi kita sendiri tak redha dgn apa Allah bagi.
its a two-way thing, man.
i've only just realised it.

to say, "Allah, DI redha" and telan everything, that was pretty hard i can tell u. tapi lepas tu, everything went so smoothly i just couldn't believe it was that easy.

Hikmah Allah. besar.
dlm doa, minta utk look beyond what He has given. look afar.
kalau x boleh pon, redha dulu dgn apa yg Dia bg. insyaAllah He will make it easy for you the next steps to come.

1 comment:

  1. it is when our mind keep telling us that we it more than others. that is when we try to compete with others.
