Wednesday, January 7, 2015


boleh la nak tadabbur satu movie ni. eh.

take what is relevant.

"You say there is only one God. I say there is two. One, who created us. The other, is the one you created." -PK

this, truly, has opened and blown my mind away.
to the simplest questions that he asks, yet, no one seemed to brave enough to answer. everyone keeps it to themselves. including me.

ada sorg ukhti kata,
iman seseorang itu berbeza.
bila saya kata, "aku percaya" saya banyakkan ibadah
bila sahabat kata, "aku percaya" dia terus berjihad.

now everywhere i look, i see how awful the world, the media, the enemies has stigmatized us Muslims and Islam itself.
with just mere shouts of "Allahu Akbar" and something bad happens, then all fingers are pointing to us. us with the hijabs, us who carries the Muslim identity.

If I can pick a fairytale stories that I think suits with today's situation, it would be 'The Emperor's new clothes'. When each and everyone knows and SEES that there is something so terribly wrong with what the emperor is 'wearing', and yet, because no one dares to speak out, they all just stay quiet and nod their heads agreeing with what seems to be 'right'.
but finally a child from the crowd suddenly shouted out, "he's not wearing anything!", only then, did everyone realised.

No, everyone has long realised it. but its just because the majority stays silent and no one wanted to  be the odd one out. even though they would be telling the truth.

Now tell me, isn't the world we're living now the same?

"maka beruntunglah orang2 yang dagang."

and now i can see macam mana golongan yang sedikit dapat mengalahkan golongan yang banyak. because it was never about the numbers.
it's whether you are with al-haq or al-batil.

betul lah, Allah bagi janji, kemenangan tu milik Dia. and whoever side we're on, make sure its under Him.

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