At such a young age. Yet, she has touched the hearts of many. Stories about the good deeds that she did were written by those who knew her. What caught my attention was one of the many which said , "saya bersaksi yang akak dah tunaikan shahadatul haq akak."
And then, more statements came after that. All that claimed that you have done your job, akk.
At that very moment, you have touched my heart in so many ways.
I even printed 'kata-kata semangat' that was based on your stories. You were in your final year of Medicine. Sikit je lagi. But Allah willed other ways for you. Because He wanted you to have a better ending. And because you have done what you need.
And then i forgot about you for a while.
Last night, i slept at 12.30 am. Before i closed my eyes, a thought came into my mind , what if You want to take me on the same day as I was born? Out of all the days to think it about, i just wondered. Sebelum ni jarang sangat nak fikir. Tak ingat the last time fikir benda ni. Maybe the first and last thing yg bermain di kepala, the next day nak kena buat apa. Rasa yakin je dgn ad next day.
Terbangun pukul 3 pagi. It was dark but it was a different kind of dark. I was so afraid i was somewhere I wasn't used to. The last thing i remembered was thinking about death. And it shook me to the core. It took a good few minutes for me to realise i was just in my room under my duvet, but that feeling was surreal. Checked my phone, it was 3.39am. Allah has indeed given me another chance by giving me another day .
And today, my fb wall was flooded by news about the death of yet another fighter, a newly qualified doctor, a sister who has been so strong throughout her journey. She chose to live. With the limited time that she had, she chose to carry on with her fight and did her best in what she does. She was blessed with a strong family by her side too. Never met her in my life. But now i know its possible you can touch the hearts of so many people through your life. Through what you have learned so that it can be a lesson to others who have yet to be on their way to meet our Rabb.
Moga Allah kurniakan khusnul khatimah buat mujahidah2 ini, yang telah hidupkan beribu hati yang terlena n terleka. Moga Allah terus kurniakan semangat untuk terus berlari. My time to rest is not here yet, so keep going eh?
There must be a reason why Allah has chosen me to live today.
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